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Meet Yuliya Saling

Naturopath (ND) and Energy Medicine Practitioner

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My name is Yuliya Saling and I am the owner of The Hickory Hills Wellness Center. I am a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner through American Council of Holistic Medicine. I hold an Advanced Doctorate Diploma in Traditional Naturopathy and Energy Medicine. I have completed the Core and Advanced Seminars and Practicum under Dr. Carolyn McMakin, M.A., D.C. in Cleveland Clinic as well as Dr. Robert DeMartino,  D.C. in Las Vegas, Nevada on Frequency Specific Microcurrent. I have also completed the Bemer Academy training. My passion for natural health and healing has developed at a very early age, yet my journey has been quite a long one. I've had health challenges since I was a young girl and I've witnessed miracles of healing through plants, various forms of energy healing, nutrition, coaching and nature. I've had some great mentors along the way showing me what is possible in terms of natural healing. It was my grandmother that introduced me to plants and energy healing when she used a combination of both to help heal an open wound, headache, stomach pains, skin rash, or break a high fever when I was just a little kid.


It was later in life that I met other mentors who were able to show me what is possible and provide me with wisdom and guidance and never-ending education. In my journey, I've experienced issues with hypothyroid, headaches, depression/anxiety, skin problems, digestive difficulties, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, sleep issues, joint/muscle pain to name a few. What I've learned in my long journey of improving my own health and healing and helping others is that there are much deeper layers that are often overlooked by doctors and practitioners than the obvious symptoms. We have to get to the root cause of the problem, but not always that simple. What I've found over the years of practice is that most of the time it's not a lack of certain vitamins or minerals or nutritional needs. Emotions and memories attached to every cell in the entire body is what will drive you to either feel healthy and well or be stuck and feel chronically sick. In helping someone improve their health, it's a multi-factor process.


My role in helping you is not to send you home with a list of supplements and dietary changes and hope that you will miraculously feel better in a month. My role is to help you figure out why you are in a state that you are in, where and why your body is losing more energy than it is making and why you are stuck and not able to experience wellness. The process that I use in my office is quite simple but will require a bit of patience and consistency and compliance as well as having an open mind and willingness to learn. I use specific modalities to correct the frequencies and energy flow in the body. We all have them, but improper nutrition, chronic lifelong stress, antibiotics, over the counter medications, mold and other toxins can interrupt the natural energy flow and distort those frequencies.


You absolutely need good nutrition, but if you are constantly under emotional and physical stress, there is no way for the body to do anything useful and beneficial to your wellbeing with even with the healthiest meal. Same concept applies to taking any vitamins and supplements. Look, we often times think if we just add certain multivitamins or minerals that will "fix" our health challenges. Have you ever wondered why some people can eat bad foods, never workout, follow the same routine daily but are usually happy or they fake it until they make it and never get sick? Then there those that eat clean, work out daily, follow the same routine work/school/family and constantly on the go and stressed and feel sick?!


When the body is on a lockdown due to constant stress of any sort and trauma, nothing is getting in or out until you turn off the "alarm system" and balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic system. Remember all our tissues and body systems from the brain to our feet work in a chain reaction but oftentimes there is a missing or broken link, your heart. If one system shuts down or is lacking in functionality, guess what happens to the rest? That's right it stalls, has to pick up the burden of working overtime due to other systems not working properly or it simply shuts down as well. There is a direct communication link between your brain and your heart. Your memories, both positive and negative play a significant role in your wellness and success in every aspect of your life. Your memories become beliefs. 


In my twenty-year journey to healing, and what some doctors would claim is impossible to heal from certain conditions without the intervention of medications, I can proudly say, it is possible, given the right mindset, the right environment and some simple techniques that have been used for years. We connect the dots together. 


Hickory Hills Wellness Center

Wellness Starts Here

Practical Naturopathy & Wellness
Meet Amelia
Why Naturopathy

Why Naturopathy?

Setting the right environment for the body internally and externally by using nature's forces of water, air, sunlight, Earth power, exercise, rest and destress, proper nutrition, various forms energy modalities as well as individual's mindset provides the stepping stones for one's own body and mind to heal itself. 


It can help with

Health and Wellness
Weight Loss
Stress & Sleep

Why Energy?

We are concussed every single day. What that means is that we are constantly exposed to things, people, places and situations that drain our energy which can and often does take a toll on our emotional and physical wellbeing. Our bodies constantly need a supply of energy to keep us going. Ever wonder why you feel so drained by life that you just need to get away and the first place people typically look for is nature or the beach. Even a couple days spent at the beach walking barefoot and away from every day hassles re-energizes you. Just like plants and animals, humans need energy. 

Why Energy


Servies Anchor

Nutritional and Wellness Consulting 

This is the initial appointment that will take up to 2 hours where we go into Indepth personal and medical history, and we look at practically every aspect of your life to see what might be holding you back from improving your wellbeing. My job is to provide tools and services and education to help you improve your wellbeing, but it is your responsibility to do the work and stay consistent and compliant and also be patient with yourself and your progress.   


Natural Healing with Energy

Everything emits frequencies which is a measured point of vibration or energy. Negative thoughts, unhealthy food, and environment, overmedication, trauma and stress alter our frequencies, sometimes those need to be corrected. There are techniques that help correct them. 

Along with correcting the frequencies and proper nutrition, our bodies need adequate micro circulation and oxygen. 

These sessions range from 30 minutes up to 2 hours. 


Reflexology, Soft Tissue Relaxation

Sometimes the body is simply stuck in sympathetic dominant state, which means the body is constantly under stress, you might experience aches and pain and have a general feeling of not being well. With the RSTR technique we guide the nervous system and the rest of the body into a state of deep relaxation where we remove any stuck nerves and muscles that might be contributing to your pain and discomfort.  This session is an hour to 1.5 hours long.

Your Health Starts Here
Contact Us for a complimentary15 minute phone consultation

Phone - 614-270-7872 / Email -

48446 Hickory Hills Road Caldwell Ohio 43724

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48446 Hickory Hills Road, Caldwell Ohio, 43724

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